The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1054 21 THE GREENFIELD TRUST TOUR PROGRAM DRAWS CROWDS About 3000 Inspect Renovated Quarters in Open House Greenfield. Aug. 16-Nearly 3000 persons toured the renovated and enlarged Franklin County Trust Co. 011. Main St.

Four Hour Inspection An open house program was held from 5 to 9 and visitors were taken on. it complete inspection trip of the air conditioned building by directors and employees. 'The colorful main lobby featur. ing the two large murals painted by Stephen Miniatty, Deerfield artist drew rapt attention. John W'.

Haigis. president who acted as host said officers were surprised at the number of visiting bank officials who stopped during the day or tonight. Aiding Haigis were the other ofticers, Herbert V. Erickson excentive vice-president: Leland Cairns, vice-president and trust officer: Bovd S. Richardson.

treasurer: Earle N. W. Kellogg. assistant treasurer; and William C. Conant.

manager of the savings depariment. Directors present Dr. were Frank F. L. Ray- Boymond Andrews.

den, Erickson, James A. Gunn, William Scott Keith, Donald G. Millar and R. Stanley Reid. Bouquets which arrived from well wishers during the day will sent to the Franklin County and Farren Memorial Hospitals.

Club Presents Pool Equipment Greenfield, Aug. 16 Members of the Exchange Club at A meeting Al the swimming pool tonight formally presented two diving hoards and two ladders to the swimming pool committee. The plaque indicating the was presented by Dominic Netto, president of the club, to Selectmen Herbert R. Ferris and Jeremiah F. Donovan.

Present were C. Raymond Bond. chairman: George p. Billings, Whitman B. Wells and Barney J.

Michelman of the pool, The commitice. two boards, high and low. as well AS the two ladders have been installed. Following the brief ceremony Al Carpenter, operator of the swimming pool concession acted as host and served dinner to club members and guests. Varley Begins Duties As Scout Executive makes her home.

MRS. LOUIS PETTIROSSI Greenfield. Aug. 16-Mrs. Con- Greenfield.

Aug. 16-- Robert M. cently named field soothe executive Varley of Acushnet. was refor Hampshire and Franklin counties to succeed E. Alfred Swenson.

has assumed his new duties here. He has been at the scout camp in Chesterfield for the past two weeks for orientation. He is A native of Acushnet and in 1917 was graduated Tie from New in Bedford High School. served the armed forces and returned two later 10 receive his BS degree. lie was graduated from the national training school on July 29.

He has been associated with scouting since he was 12 and will make his home in Greenfield. Barbecue Date Changed Greenfield. Aug. 16 Herbert Sauter, chairman of the annual Elks barbecue said today that the date has been changed from Aug. 10 Aug.

20 and it will take place at the Sportsmen's League Field! Millers Falls. 102 On Friday Greenfield. lug. 16- -Drs. Talla Stimson of 11 Sanderson St.

will observe her birthday Friday. No special celebration is planned. She is feeling well and plans to grect friends throughout the day. Despite her age she is active. She enjoys short rides, reads and does fancy work.

She was born in Springfield in 1832 the daughter of and Eveline Park and Francis, Greenfield when she was 13. On April 22, 1873 she was marTied to Baxter S. Stimson who died in 1933. She has two children. Nina and Francis P.

with whom shel stance C. Pettirossi, 43. wife of Louis Pettirossi of. 113 High St. died today at the Carney Hospital in Dorchester following a six weeks illness.

She. was born Greenfield on May 1001. the of Louis and Elizabeth (Corsiglia) Carraro. She was a member of 1hc Woman's Club of Greenfield and lioly Trinity Church. leaves her husband: her father: one sister.

Mrs. Elizabeth LaMontagne of Greenfield; one WHAT. GREE FIELD. 1210 Up-Country Radio TUESD.A 6.47 Farm Hour 6 13 Npwe 7.00 Weather 7.00 Timetable 7.25 Weather 7.30 News 7.35 Timetable 7.16 County News 8:00 News 8.15 Shelburne Falls 8.30 Deerfield 8 13 Northfield 9.00 News 9.15 Air Newsvan. 9.30 Chapel Tima 10.00.

News. Musio 10.13 Devotions 10.30 Headlines 30.3% Stork Club 10.40 Music 10.53 11.00 Florida. USA 11.23 Nows 11 30 for Day 12.00 Holmspy'st Comment 12.00 Hazel Markel 12.30 N. News WARE. no Neighbor 7.30 News Neighbor 8.31) News Neighbor 0.00 Radio Chapel P.13 Public Interest 9.40 News 9.10 Town l'alk 10.00 Melody Shop News Melody Shop 11.00 Cisco 1130 Polka -Party Sew12.45 Rural Roundup ASHFIELD Ambulance Fund Drive Underway Ashfiold.

Aug. 16-Ashfield's annual ambulance maintenance drive has started and will continue to Aug. 22. There will door-to-(route door canvass, but voluntary donations may be made in marked jars Jocated in the Post Office. stores and other business places in town.

Individuals and organizations also may contribute to any member of the ambulance committee. Ashfield Post American Legion again will donate proceeds from the dance of Aug. 21st to the fund A thermometer located between, the fire house and the town hall will serve as a measure. of the drive's sucress. AIRS.

TERIO APPOINTED School was announced today by Superintendent C. Warren Gardner. Mrs. Terio received her education at Westfield Stale Teachers College and has taken sununer courses at Ilyannis and North Adanis. Mrs.

Franklin W. Hitchco*ck of Worthingion has been employed teach art for the next school vear. She succeeds Raymond T. Drew who resigned to accept a similar position in Northampton. Mrs.

Hitchco*ck ock attended the Springfield School Art. The annual concert for the benlefit of the Ashfield Community Golf Club will be held at the town hall Aug. 25. Carl Thorp is chairDonald Lesure and Clark Moore have passed their physicals and will be inducted in the Marine Corps Sept. 7.

Mr. and Mrs. Merton Howes and daughters. Joan and Esther, are spending the week at China, Mrs. William Cole and her tuo sons who have been visiting her sister, Mrs.

Emory Howes, will 10 Syracuse, N. today. Gerald Van Valkenburz of South Ashfield. a radio operator in the U. S.

Air Force, is home on leave. will report for duty at Parks, Sept. S. Mrs. Olive Wood is a patient in Franklin County Hospital.

Miss Grace Henry. who has been spending 3 week with her parents. has returned to Provi- Ashfield. Aug. 16-The appointment of Ar's.

Oiva A. Terio of Shelburne Falls as teacher of Grades 3 and 4 at the CHARLEMONT LIST SALES WINNERS Charlemont. Aug. 16-Top I Club salesmen for the sale of Yan-1 kee Doodle feathers have been an-! nounced by regional committee, chairman, Mrs. Leo Sanderson.

are Janice Taylor first and Dorothy Hawkes second. Awards will be scholarships to 4-11 Camp Howe in Goshen and will plied to their enrollment in camp next summer. Scholarships will be $10 and $3 for second. The profit made by 4-ll Clubs on the sale of feathers was $128.10. SHELBURNE FALLS WOODS--MILNE Shelburne Falls, Aug.

16- Miss Frances Fellows Woods, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Guilford Woods of Main St. became bride of Jame's William Milne, Jr. son of Mr.

and Mrs. James William Milne of West Roxbury Saturday in St. Joseph's Church. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Francis E.

Shannon. Mrs. Milne is a graduate of the Arms Academy and the Fitchburg State Teachers College. She has been teaching in Amherst. Milne is a graduate of Mechanical Arts ligh School.

Boston. Massachusouls Maritime Academy and Fitchburg State Teachers College. At present he is employed with Employers Group Assurance Co. The couple will live in Indiana. BERNARDSTON Bernardston, Aug.

16-The Mary Martha Club of Goodale Memorial Church will have a peach shortcake supper at the church on Wednesday. Mrs. Walter Grover. president. is the chairman.

Ten tables were in play at the Grange card party Saturday night. Mrs. Julia Barber and Mrs. Rena Grover were the committee in charge. The annual Slate reunion WAS hold yesterday at the home of Almon Flagg on Huckle Hill.

About 85 were present. Guests came from Philadelphia, Arlington and Bellow's Falls, Vermont, Ludlow. Chicopee Falls, nearby towns. Although the weather was inclement they were able to have the picnic lunch out of doors, and were warmed by open fires. MILLERS FALLS Millers Falls.

16 Troop 7 Boy Scouts will have a carnival in conjunction' with the Turners Falls Military Band concert Friday at members of Dalton LaValley American Legion Post of Lasthampton headed by Comdr. John Mitchell included, Floyd Martell, Alfred Goyette, Kinstanti Schmokoski and Emil Tyburski. Earl Lizotte wAs the bugler and the flag was presented the family by Comdr. Mitchell. RESERVES TO MEET Greenfield.

Aug. 16-Problems of Air Force writing will be the topic of Lt. Col. R. F.

Spaulding, commandant of the Springtield Air Reserve Center, at a mecting of the local reserve squadron Wednesday night in the VFWV Hall. The local reserve squadron and its subsidiary flights from Athol and Northampton will attend the general mecting. Funeral of George Stanley. Doore of 16 Dickinson who died Saturday, took place this afternoon at. the Hodgen funeral home.

Rohert G. Burrell. Christian Scientist reader, officiated. Burial will take place tomorrow in Dover-Foxcroft, Mc. (llighland Park.

Scouts also will operate concessions. Funeral of Mrs. Bertha Haughton, former resident, was in Springfield Sunday. Burial in Highland Cemetery here with Rev. T.

Albert Lawrence delivering the committal service. Boy Scout Troop 7 left carly Sunday morning to spend the day at al Rhode Island beech stopping en to attend church services. They were accompanied by Scoutmaster Donald Felton. Bobby Rushford. son of Mr.

and Mrs. Roger Rushford of Now is spending a week at the home of his aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Damon, in State Line.

N. 11. Airs. Charles Houghton of New St. returned Saturdav.

from a week in Brooklyn visiting her daughter, Miss Mary Bates. Returning with Mrs. Houghton for the end were Miss Marjorie Kruckman, Miss Margo Kohler and Mr. A. J.

Kruckman. Playground Schedules Miss America Test Turners Falls. Aug. 16- One of the best playground activity the Mr. held and Miss Unity America Park contest, Thursday will at al 2 p.

111. Contestants from one 10 five ycars of age will vie for the toltitles. All children entered must wear a bathing or sun suit. Prizes will be awarded winners. Job for Miss Nelson Turners Falls, Aug.

16 Miss Phyllis Ann Nelson, a graduate of Turners Falls Iligh School in June been named secretary 10 Prin. George F. Wrightson to sucreed Miss 'Theresa Parks who resigned in July. Miss Nelson, one 'of the popular members gradunting class, was a cheer leader for four years, A member of the Art. History and Community Service Clubs and Librarian of the Girls Glee Club; she was a tumbler and also played basketball for four years.

The annual outing of Daly-Solomon VEW Post and Auxiliary will be held at the Scheutezen Verein grounds next Sunday. 'The public has been invited. Tickets may be procured from members of the committee and at Stanley's JewelNy Store. Another popular Rod and Gun club the 'Deep Hole' SunClub dinners, will be served at the day. Aug.

29. The festivities will start at 10 a. m. Chowder will be served at 11 and a roast beef dinner at 2. Following the dinner a program of sports and music will be enjoyed.

Tickets may be obtained from members. Funeral of Mrs. Sarah B. Smith of 11 ligh St. took place this afterat the McCarthy funcral home.

Rev. William T. Thistle. former pastor of the local Congregational Church and now at Stafford Springs. officiated.

Burial was in Springdale Come1ery. Bearers were Donald and Richard Smith, Leslie Hilliard and Edward Conway. SUNDERLAND Sunderland, Aug. 16-Repairs on the First Congregational Church. mainly on the vestibule.

ate being made by Anthony Ferrati of Florence. A recent check of the church records revealed the information that the building was reroofed in 1867 with plastic slate. The dictionary gives no definition of plastic which possibly can apply to slate and there is considerable wonder as to what plastic slate could have been. Five new names were added to the voters' list at the meeting of the Board of Registrars. Airs.

Edward Tozloski and children Barre. Jayne and Karen are visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E.

E. Brunt of McCool. Miss. Television--UHF MGT. TUESDAY 6 00 Telecomics 7.15 Around 4.15 Seria! 7.30 Game Hunt 630 World News 8 00 Western 6.

13 Weather 8.30 Baseball 6.50 Local News 11.00 Neus 7.00 Sports 30 WINK. Britain. Conn. TUESDA 7 00 Morning Show 4 13 Peter 9.0 It Test Pattern 5.00 Western 9.15 News 6.00 New9 10.00 Garry Moore 15 Early Show 10.15 Industry 7.25 Weather 10.30 Test Pattern 30 12.00 Teletheater 7 16 Holiday 1.00 Jean Porter 8.00 Counter Point 1.31 Jigsaw Quiz 9 10 Danny Thomas CHI Rob. I.ewis 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 SIpet Millie 2.30 Club c.n 9.00 Star Plyhse.

300 Big 10 00 Danger 3.30 Your Trouble 10.30 Blue Angel 4.101 Film 11.00 News 4.15 Binesom Time 11.15 Late Show 4 30 Serial 6.00 mi Sign Mm The Fireman 7.00 Today 3.13 Breadtime Home Fare 5.30 Howdy. Doody 0 30 Travelers IN Bronco Bill 10.00 Ding Dong 6.30 Showcase 10.30 Movie 6.63 Weather Map 11.30 Strike It Trich Races 19.00 Valiant Lady 7.30 Theater Love Of life 7.4. Newsreel Search 8.00 00 Guiding Light 8.30 Murray Party 1.0 Taste Time 9.00 Playhouse Rolling Stone 9.30 Suspense 0.0 Dave Cameron 10.00 Truth Or 2.00 Trader Van 10.30 City Detective Big Pavoff 11 1 1 1 00 Newsreel 3.30 Bob Crosby 11.17 1P1 Levy 4.00 Brighter Day 11.30 Talent Scouts $. 13 Secret Storm 12.00 Nows 4.30 Your Account 12.03 Owl Theater CHANNEL B7. Boston.

Mass. TUESDAY 7.00 Today F. 00 Pinky DIMI Swan, Boat 5 30 Howdy Doody 10.0 Ding Dong 6.00 Bookshelf 10.10 'Time to Live 6.15 Animal Fair 1017 Three Steps 6.30 News 11.00 00 Arlene Francis 6.15 The Editors 14.00 News 7.13 Newsteller 12.15 Rob Emery 7.30 31 Sweeney 19.43 Hawkins Falls T. 17 Swayze 1.00 Holly Plhse. 8.00 Elizabeth 2.15 Elect.

Living 8.30 Arthur Murray 2.15 Your A gP P. I Playhouse 3.00 One Family 9.10 Top Plays 3.1. Gold Window 10.00 Truth-Conson. 3 30 Bride-Grootn 10.30 City Detective 3 45 Miss Marine 11.00 News 4.00 Four On Four 11.10 Boxing 1.00 Betty White 11.10 Owl Theater CHANNEL 10 WJAR, Providence. R.

1. TUESDAY 6.50 Farm News 5.00 Child Theat. 7.00 Today 5.15 Traffic Safety 9.00 Dione Lucas 5.30 Howdy Doody 9.30 Nancy Dixon 6.00 Stu Erwin 10.00 Garry Moore 6.30 Talent Show 1030 Godfrey 6.35 Weather 11 00 Arlene Francis 7.01) Telenews 19.00 Hum Strum 7.15 Sports Catholic Chapel 7.30 Gadabout Tomorrow 7.45 John Swayze 12.43 Guiding Light 8.00 Paul Killiam 1.00 Window Shop 8.15 Old movies 1.70 T. Bartlett 8.30 Baseball Dione Lucas 11.00 News On Account 11.05 News Extra OlivA Tinder 11.10 Weather TRA 11.15 Movies 3.43 Slims Marlowe 12.15 Daily Prayer 4.00 Movie 12 News Television VHF WRGR, Schenectady. Channel Six TUESDAY BECOMES ENGAGED Greenfield.

Aug. 16-Employees of the Millers Falls Co. and the GTD returned 10 work today following one of the most rainy vacation periods in their recollection. Few reported favorable weather where they spent their vacations. Todaynow that the vacation period is over -bright sunshine furnished some of the warmest summer weather in several days Vacations Over! nephew and two nieces.

Funeral will be Wednesday at 8.30 at the McCarthy funcral home with a requiem mass in Holy Trinity Church at 9. Burial be in Calvary Cemetery. Greenfield. Aug. 16-Plans for the final week of the Greenfield playground season were at the staff meeting with Direcior Louis Bush this morning Vet's Memorial Fieldhouse.

The gram was outlined and includes back 10 School field day day as the special day feature. The affair is sponsored by the Retail Merchants' Association and neighborhood grocery stores. On Friday, closing day. there picnic on all playgrounds. The Thursday evening teen age dance will be Bill Maloy's appreciation night.

In the baseball leagues the Little League will have A field day of their own Wednesday morning with a hitting. throwing and fielding contest. The Pony League will finish their schedule Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday and Friday At Vet's Field.

The farm system Little League finished this morning. During the meeting recommendations for 1953 were asked for. The only recommendation came from Carol Brissette who requested that provisions bc made River School. moving pictures at Green, The last moving picture program. sponsored by the Mohaukille Chevrolet Garage this week ineludes five films, Abbott and Costello "Fun On the "Adventures of Casanova." "Thief of Bagdad," "Crime Buster," and "Loose cartoon.

Back to School Events Planned At Playgrounds Mrs. Lane Accepts Post at Mt. Holyoke Greenfield. Aug. 16 Announcement was made today of the resignation of Mrs.

Walter E. Lane. dean and resident head of the Stoneleigh Prospect Hill School for the past nine years. 10 accept a position at Mount Holyoke College in She South is a ladley. former, resident of Charlemont and is the of Walter E.

Lane. former school St1perintendent there. She is a past of president and honorary member the Charlemont Woman's Club, a member of the 15th district presidents' club And the Charlemont Bridge Club. She is at her summer home at Litchfield, will return to assume her duties at Mount Holyoke late next month. In the Service Greenfield, Aug.

16-Wave Ens. Jean F. Cappelluzzo. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Vito Cappelluzzo of Haves Ave. and former girls athletic director at Greenfield High School is serving at the Sth Naval District Headquarters in New Orcans. La. She entered the Navy in March. Amy Dubovik.

seaman in the Waves and daughter Anthony L. Dubovik of Hastings Pond Warwick. has reported 10 the Naval Air Station at Norfolk. She has been assigned to the military personnel office. She entered the Navy in April and trained at Bainbridgc, Md.

She was graduated from Orange High School. Jerome A. O'Connell. son of Mrs. John M.

O'Connell of 50 Central Turners Falls. has completed a three-week training cruise aboard the carrier USS Valley Forge. GOLDEN AGERS TO MEET Greenfield. Aug. 16-The memhers of the Golden Age.

Club will meet Wednesday at 8.30 A. 11. at the Old Court House to take a trip to Stanley Park. There will be card party Thursday at 2 p. m.

at the YMCA. MRS. ARTHUR PERKINS Greenfield. Aug. 16-Mrs.

Arthur Perkins. 13. formerly Hopkins land aunt Mrs. Esther W. Hutchinson of East Charlemoni died Friday in Northfield.

Vt. She leaves her husband and one son. Marshall of Northfield. and several nieces and nephews. Funeral took place at 2 today in the Methodist Church.

Northfield, Vi. on, 84. of 15 Cleveland died last night At the Franklin County Hospital. He WaS born in Sweden and came to this country when 20 years of age. He WAS a retired foreman at Lunt Silversmiths and was a member of the Odd Fellows.

He leaves one granddaughter. Nancy Fay liubbard of Deerfield. Funeral will iake place Wednesday at 2 at the McCarthy funeral home. Rev. Philip I.

Steinmetz of Ashfield will officiate and burial will be in Green River Cometerv. Friends may call at the fuIncral home Tuesday from (. to 9 D. 111. PETER STOWIKOWSKI Greenfield.

Aug. 16--4 military funeral for Peter Stowikowski, la former resident of this town, took place yesterday from the Kostanski funeral home followed by a libra service at St. Stanislaus Church in Easthampton. Rev. John Zdebel, pastor.

officiated and burial was in the cemetery. "The bearers were Comdr. Josoph Zak. Albert Walichowski, Barney Skiengel, John Marziarz, Anthony Bialecki and John Leskicwiez all members of the Polish Veterans Club of Turners Falls. The bearer was Stanley Cholewa and the firing squad, all A'GUST JOHNSON Greenfield, Aug.

16-August l'hoto: MISS CAROLYN M. HOBBS Dr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Hobbs of Main Williamsburg.

announce the engagement of their daughter. Carolyn Montgomery, David Tiley. son of Mrs. Charles A. Tiley of Main St.

and the late Charles A. Tilcy. Miss Hobbs is a graduate of Northampion High School and will be a sophom*ore at Smith College this year. Mr. Tiley is a graduate of Northampion ligh School and is attending the University of Vermont.

WILLIAMSBURG Williamsburg, Aug. 16-Robert Davidson, assisied by Gil Hanson, will be in charge of a steak supper at Look Part for the Rotary Club Wednesday at 6.16. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sontag.

who sold their business here and went to Zephyrhills, early this summer; have sold their propertv in Florida. They have returned and are visiting their son-inlaw and daughier. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lloyd of Main St.

I Miss Leila Ilyde and Rotha Gates, are visiting Miss Elsee Platt. a former teaching associate at Mr. Vernon. N. at her summer home in Pawlet, Miss Nancy Outhuse of North visiting her brother-in-law and sister.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker of Boston. Mrs. James Halberstadt, prosident.

has called a mecting at her home of the executive board of the Williamsburg Women's Club for Wednesday afternoon. Pyt. H. M. Bisbee.

recently assigned to Fort Bragg, N. spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Il. Merrill Bisbee of South St.

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Graves and children of Main St. arc spending two weeks at the Graves" cottage at Lake Spofford, N. H.

Their guests this weel: end were Drs. Edith Foster and sons of Main St. and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Packlard and children of Goshen.

The Golden Age group will meet Thursday at 4 at the grove of Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Barker of Goshen Rd. for a lunch. with Mrs.

C. K. Hathaway and her committee in charge. Mrs. Roger Wells of Main St.

is a patient' at the New England Baptist Hospital, Boston. Vernon West. master of the Grange. announces there will be no meeting Aug. 28.

Mrs. Charles Merritt, friendly service chairman of the Woman's Union, and her committee. Drs. Ralph Lawton and Mrs. Alfred Luce.

will hold a rummage sale in the Congregational Church room Friday, Aug. 27, from 10 to 3. Anyone having articles 10 donate may leave them in the dining room. North Berkshire Sports North Adams. Aug 16-- The h'd of the North Adains South little Leaguers for top honor8 01 the diamond ended with the defeat suffered At the hands of the Plainville.

Aggregation At East Hartford last week but the strong ing of the local youngsters in the competition brings nothing but praise. Five straizht victories 1 scored the playoffs before the WA eliminated. North Adams South did well in Vanquishing Amherst. Northampton, Winsted and Thompsonville before being knocked out of the running. Bill Ostrander Jim lowly.

the club's coaCHeS, share the honors with the players. The Williamstown Merchants are ing the North Berkshire Restaurant Softball league. having WON their final four games in the series. Close an thie heels of Marker the And College Dodd Town Tavern entry ATP team the Hilton citv. Altogether, nine teams are participating four-team in the Affair loop.

but lt. started out to he a was enlarged AS new applications for membership were received. the Merchants, another Williamstown club entered in the series In the Sand Springs combine, in front in the last ha'! pennant race nf The Berkshire Textile teA is well a out Adams Little league. The leaders have 1 on six of their seven sanips played. The Laundry-Aleria are in second place while the Elks, who hold down the.

third ale not out nf 1 lip running by any means. The Wilmington. Stars started new baseball winning streak by heating. the North Adam: Merchants. 3-1.

The previous string of hv the Vermonters ended At 13 with A setback at, the hands of the Arlinzton club. PROMOTED IN KOREA CPL. DONALD M. JANDZINSKI Donald M. Janazinski, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Anthony WV. Jandzinski of Prospect Hatfield, has been promoted 10 corporal in the Army. according to word from Pusan. Korea, where he is serving in the Medical Corps with 21st Station Hospital.

In the service 16 months. Cpl. Jandzinski has been in Korca since June, 1953. LIGHTNING HITS TRANSFORMER IN STORM'S COURSE Widen Tannery Cut Off: Williamstown Is Affected North Adams, Aug. 16-Lightning which short-circuited its bushing knocked out the electric transformer opposite the R.

J. Widen Co. tannery in Massachusetts Ave. during the brief storm tonight. pieces of apparatus 10 the scene The Fire a Department sent three after A call from the box at the tannery.

Fire Chief Arthur A. Girard notified Northern Berkshire Electric Co. officials of the trouble when it was found that the transformer was smoking. The lightning blast took out the high tension line feeding Williamstown for about a hall a minute, an electric company spokesman said. but this service was restored autoA matically.

However, the 1annery was without power from 7.45 to 8.20. until (temporary repairs could he made. The burned out bushings probably will have to be replaced Tuesday, the electric company spokesman said. SHUTESBURY HOME DAY AUG. 28 Shutesbury, Aug.

16-The annual Old Home Day will be Aug. 28. with the business meeting at in the Federated Church. A of local young people, under the direction of Mrs. Eleanor IV.

Cronk, will give a musical program. Women of the Federated Church. with Mrs. Horst of Amherst as chairman, will serve a public dinner at noon. Proceeds will be used for renovation of the church kitchen.

The afternoon program will start at 2 with the presentation of papers on the manufacturing that: formerly was done in Shutesbury. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Footit and. daughter, Jean.

of Shutesbury, returned today from A motor trip to Nova Scotia. HATFIELD POLIO DRIVE OPENS Hatfield. Aug. 16 Co-operating in the emergency drive for funds to fight polio. Chairman John 1.

Mullins, has mailed March of Dimes cards to residents. and has placed coin boxes in business establishments. In a statement today, the chairman stressed the grea need. and askea for full participation from townspeople. explaining that even small amounts will be welcome.

HATFIELD BRIEFS Hatfield, Aug. 16 Miss Bernice IN. Cutter of Westhampton, formerly of West Hatfield, is 011 a western trip. Miss Cutler flew 10 St. Louis, where she met by A niece.

Miss Dorothy Cutter, who to visit. She is now with cousins, drove hers to Webster Groves. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snow of Bloomington, and before flying will visit another cousin, Miss Lucy Brandican of Moline, Ill.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zawacki of School St. have had as guests her sister. Mrs.

Leon Groenboom, and Mrs. Eugene Vesser. of Fort Lauderdale, Fla a brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs.

Aulden Martell of Wilton, with sons, David. Leslic and Bryant; and another, Portsmouth, sister, Mrs. R. I. During Norton their visit Mrs.

Zawacki entertained at la August family birthdays, party in Mrs. honor Norton of and two Miss Maribeth Groenhoom of Florida, who has spent the summer here. Miss Groenboom left with her mother, and en route to Florida they visited two of the mother's brothers, Stanley al and Anthony Wilkes of Pittsfield. Mrs. Alfred R.

Allaire of Main St. is spending a weck with her son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Plichta of Suffield, Conn.

Miss Dorothea Fortsch, daughter lof Selectman, and Mrs. John Maple has returned front a summer on Cape Cod. Miss Fortsch. graduate of Fitchburg State Teachers College in June, has a position in West Hartford public schools. Mr.

and Mrs. Rosario J. Lizzio and daughter. Mary Anne. of Norwich, were week-end guests of Mrs.

Lizzio's parents. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Sheehan of Chestnut St.

Miss Anne Shechan. has spent several weeks in Norwich, returned with them. Supt. John C. Jakobek has comIpleted his courses at summer school at University of Connecticut.

Miss Sarah V. Prospect St. is visiting her brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs.

Walter Costello Willimantic, Conn. Mrs. Dorothy Breor, eighth grade teacher in Center School, and Mrs. Jane Blauvelt, newly appointed 10 teach third grade, have completed summer courses at U. of Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Kochan Prospect St. had as guests their laughters, Misses Jan-: et. and Phyllis Kochan of New York' City. They recently entertained Mrs.

Kochan's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Slick Philadelphia. and daughter. Patricia.

When they left. Mrs. Kochan motored with them to Misquammicut. Beach to visit a niere. Robert Hojnoski.

mm-3 in the Navy. who recently returned the Vulcan based in Norfolk, after a 25-day cave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs Frank Hojnoski of Prospect is on a cruise Bermuda. In honor of his 81st birthday, which occurred Aug. 13.

Ienry Wolfram of North Hatfield was showered with cards from neighbors and friends. and was given a small family party. WILLIAMSTOWN Williamstown, Aug. 16 Two schoolteachers may be appointed by the School Committee at. meeting Wednesday.

BRATTLEBORO, VT. Two Are Fined As Wet Drivers Brattleboro, Aug. 16-The cases of driving three while respondents intoxicated charged headed today's docket in Municipal Court. Two pleaded guilty and the third case was continued until Thursday. John R.

Gerrish, 27, of Turners Falls, changed an Aug. 6 innocent plea to guilty to a charge of driving intoxicated and was fined $50 with costs of $8.05 by Judge Ernest F. Berry. Reginald Rutty, 35, a Conn. laborer, also admitted driving while under the influence and paid a fine "Saturday after Ile was the apprehended car he was driving ran into some guard rails in Guilford.

The DWI case of Carl M. Brackeft of Brattleboro was continued 10 Thursday under $100 bail. He has not entered a plea. John J. Long, 25.

of New York, paid $100 and costs of $6.45 for driving a truck: in Putney Rd. with a load in excess of 18,000 pounds without a highway-use permit. A Rutland salesman. Edmund M. Richard, 47, pleaded innocent to a careless and negligent driving charge and requested a jury trial.

lIe was driver of A truck rolled over in Newfane, Thursday. Bail was set at $50. CAR HITS CYCLIST a William Cushman and Son truck operated by Frank M. Holland this town. Damage to the car totaled $150.

The truck wAs not damaged. Mrs. Daniel T. O'Connell of South, Londonderry was nominated president of the West River Valley Development Association at the an- I nual picnic yesterday in Jamaica. President Edward C.

Keikamper of East Jamaica led thro short business session. Other nomina- Brattleboro, 16-Bruce Thomas, seven-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Roland G. Thomas of 206 South Main received abrasions and confusions about the body last night when he was struck by an automobile while riding his bicycle on South Main St.

He wa's treated at Memorial llospital by Dr. James H. Miniszek and released. Police said the car was operated by Lawren E. Sheehan of Montreal.

No one was injured in a collision at Green and High Sts. today volving a car operated by WV. Warren Fredette of 21 Forest St. and tion were: first vice-president. Rev.

Charles II. McCurdy of Windhall; second vice-president, Mrs. Urner Goodman of Bondville: secretary, C. H. Tewkesbury of Jamaica, and treasurer, Miss Edna Winship of Windham.

LEE Kirchner Given Jail Sentence Main St. HINSDALE Loc, Aug. 16-Kenneth E. Kirchner. 22.

of Housatonic Lenox, pleaded guilty to breaking and entering the home of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Nugent of Cliffwood Lenox, this morning in District Court. He was given 60 days in the House of Correction for the charge which included intent of committing a misdemeanor. Mrs.

Nugent said a window slamming and the rustle of paper awoke her Saturday night and turning on a light, she saw Kirchner rummaging through a desk drawer. He qut a window when she screamed. Patrolman David N. Lane of Lenox submitted a confession Kirchner said was his. Otto A.

Taelken of 1976 Main Springfield, will he summoned into court for leaving the scene of an accident in Becket Saturday evening. Cutting in sharply while driving west on Route 20. his fender struck A car operated by Charles Smith. of' Dalton who called state police. They notified the local police and Patrolman James Holian stopped Taelken on Hinsdale.

Aug. 16-Miss Louise E. Wiley, who has spent the past two years as teacher in Anatolia College. Thessaloniki. Greece.

arrived Sunday for a visit with Mrs. Marion L. Ransford. Miss Wiley will meet her parents, Rev. and Mrs.

Walter B. Wiley. and sister. Carol, this week in Cloveland. She will go on Sept.

1 to Callifornia to teach school. Rt. Rev. Hubert. A.

Rogers and Rev. George Koerner of Brooklyn returned home after a visit with Rev. George F. Davis at the Christian Church parsonage. Bishop Rogers preached at the Christian Church Sunday.

NORTHFIELD Northfield. Aug. 1 16 -The regional school building committee has been holding a contest for the purpose of choosing a name for the regional school 10 Bernardston be and shared War- by Northfield. wick. The committee announces the name, "Pioneer Valley Regional School" and the, winner of the contest.

Miss Marilyn Browning. who will receive a $25 government savings bond. Grange members are requested 10 get in touch with Mrs. Emma Pictz or Mrs. Dorothy Whitney at once and let them know which mecting they will attend Tuesday.

Northfield Grange has been invited to Wendell and North Orange Granges the same night. Miss Marian Allen is taking a weck's vacation in Orono, Me. Mrs. Charles Washburne of St. Petersburg is the guest of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr.

and Mrs. Wynne Keever. The mother and sister of Rev. Jospeh WV. Reeves returned to Kentucky today.

son, Richard Reeves, and wife start for Atlanta this week where Reeves, who has completed military service, will be employed by Liberty Mutual Insurance Company. Rev. and Mrs. Reeves will leave for a two-weck I vacation near Rindge, N. I.

BENNINGTON, VT. Bloodmobile Visit. Scheduled Aug. 24 Bennington, Aug. 16-The Red Cross bloodmobile will make its.

summer appearance at the Elks' Barn Aug. 21 seeking a quota of 135 pints of blood. Mrs Robert Parmelec, Bennington County blood donor chairman, is in charge of the drawing. Those who wish to donate blood are asked to call Mrs. Parmelec this week.

Diamond Sport Features 'Battle' bi bination Bennington, North Adams Aug. 16-A and com- Bennington Rotary Club softball team tonight defcated the Bennington Lions team in a wild-swinging contest 10 climax a three-day celebration in honor of the Battle of Bennington. About 500 fans looked on the Rotary. aided by six North Adams players. ran rampant in the last inning to build an insurmountable lead.

Because of the number of runs scored by both teams an accurate tally was not available after the game. Lions Club officials said they would protest because the game was called in the fourth inning because of a one -hour time limit with four runs already home. Other features of the 177th anniversary of the famed Revolutionary battle were demonstrations junior league baseball and a baseball game between the Ben. nington CYO and the Bennington' a game was tied at 0-0 at the end Majestics, now of Pittsfield. This of the first inning.

The week-end holiday activities. were sponsored jointly by the Jun-. ior Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club and Lions Club. TEACHERS START SUMMER COURSE and spelling instruction. JOHNSON ORGANIZES Bennington, Aug.

16-Lt. Bennington, Aug. 16-Teachoffers of the Bennington Southwest. district today started the second in a series of summer workshop courses at Beech St. School.

Thirty teachers are enroled the course to study teacher reading methods for grades one to eight. The sessions open at 8 and continue to noon. School Supt. Leon Wagner said two summer workshop courses have been scheduled for next summer with lessons in social studies Gov. Joseph C.

Johnson. seeking: the Republican gubernatorial nomination in the September primarics. held an organizational meeting of his campaign workers last night at the Bennington Eagle Club. Among the workers present were Reggie Perrott. Noel Olin.

John Campbell. Judge John B. Ilart. Roland Newsbeagle. Sheriff John Maloney.

and County Chairman Joel Palmer. WESTMINSTER, VT. Kurn Hattin News Westminster. Aug. 16-The Austin Family Association.

of America was entertained at Kurn Hattin recently and enjoyed a fine dinner put on by the Kurn Hattin staff. The boys and girls acted as waiters. The new dining room makes it possible to entertain such groups and their members thus become acquainted with the work of the homes. Three other groups. are planning 1o lunch at Kurn lattin in the near future.

These include Glens Falls Colony of the National Society of Now Eng. land Women. a large group of the' Daughters of American Revolution and a church group from Waban, Massachusetts. Undoubtedly, others will be accommodated a's time goes by. Pullets started at Kurn flattin this spring have now natured and are beginning to lay.

It is expected that they will furnish plenty eggs when the boys and girls return to school from vacation. Very few of the birds have been lost. There nearly seven hundred in the poultry De flock at the present time. Many visitors have come 10 Kurn lattin this summer from all over. the United States.

Because of the interest of various patriotic organizations in the work of the homes, their members have heard of the establishment at Westminstor and drop in 10 sce it when they are passing through. Visitors have been entertained from as far away as California, and from many of the western states including Kansas. Michigan, Illinois. and Ohio. Since Kurn Hattin has no visiting days or hours, these penple are always welcome and there is always someone about who can show them what the organization is attempting to do.

Some of the visitors stay for a night or two at the director's home, but others make use of the excellent tourist facilities available in Westminster. Great Barrington. Aug. 16-The public hearing scheduled tonight by the Board of Selectmen on the apIplication of Albert C. Hammer.

manager of the Berkshire Chalet Inc. for A club seasonal all alcoholic license was continued until next Monday night until A legal technicality could be ironed out. Hammer appeared with his attorncy, John Barry of -Pittsfield. Judge Thomas F. Conncally represented James J.

Joyce landlord of the Berkshire Inn and Dr. T. Frank Marnell, an abutter to the Berkshire Chalet property on Maple Ave. where the license if granted would be used. Judge Conneally's client.

Mr. Joyce. was objecting on the name being used by the group seeking the license. Judge Conncally said that the selectmen take no action tonight because the applicant their and char- group have not received Iter. GREAT BARRINGTON Technicality Holds Up License Hearing Al of 5 1.

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Hanumer (luv 8.80 Rod Sox Game 11.00 News 11 15 UN Today 1250 RO TUESDA 1.00 0) Matinee 1.30 Newa 1.30 Matinee 2.00 1250. Club 2.30 News 1230 Club News 4.110 News 4.35 1200 Club 3.30 News. Sports 5.13 Spotlight 6. Enchantment 7.00 Hod Shelton 7.30 Mystery 00 Twilight.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.